
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What's Not In the News That You Need to Know

The "lame stream" media is forever missing the true story! How can you know for sure that we are, indeed, in the Last Days described in holy Scripture? One of the signs is "wars and rumours of wars" that Jesus mentioned when His disciples asked Him for signs of the "end times."

Okay . . . there have always been wars you may say. True, but not on the scale of the 20th century. The 20th century ramped up wars to a new level. For example (just a few):

  • WWI (the war to end all wars)

  • WWII (some thought was the end of the age)

  • Millions slaughtered by Stalin (that no one ever mentions)

  • Millions of Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust\

  • Vietnam

What you're not hearing in the "lame stream" media is the threats that take place daily around the world. Therefore . . .

As I learn of them, I'll post them here for your consideration.


Source: Mission Network News
Bloody week in Iraq raises terror concerns
Iraq (MNN) -- Although no one claimed the bloodiest day this year for Iraq, the attacks this week bore the hallmark of Al Qaeda. Todd Nettleton with Voice of the Martyrs says the group behind the Monday assault was sending a message. "When you talk about more than 40 attacks, coordinated all across the entire country, you're talking about: 'We're still here and we can make a lot of trouble.' I think the other message that they're sending is: 'You should be very afraid.'" As U.S. troops draw down and leave Iraq, the Christians left feel unprotected and exposed. Although there is only a remnant church left in Iraq, those who remain are active in living the Gospel. Voice of the Martyrs helps to resource them as they become the hands and feet of Christ. "How do we live out the Gospel? How do we share our faith with the people around us when there's so much danger and so much threat simply living out the Christian faith." Pray for boldness and safety over the remnant. "We can pray for the salvation of the attackers, the troublemakers, the people in Iraq, to come to know Christ in a personal way."

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