
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Culture vs. Christ . . . Which Should Come First?

Which should come first: Culture or Christ?  Never thought about this?

Well, maybe the time is right and we should all take a look at our own lives and how we view things.  I'm taking a long hard look at how I identify myself to others.  Which comes first when I speak?

I see so many who claim Christ who then embrace all kids of secular (for lack of a better word) garbage.  This really shows itself in the political arena.  I talk with many people who claim to be a Christian yet they embrace politics (whatever the party -- both sides are guilty) and social agendas that support such unholy ideas as abortion and so-called "gay" rights.  This is blasphemy.  God's word clearly states that He is against sarificing children (which is what abortion is) and the "unnatural affections of men with men" (which is what being "gay/homosexual" is).

Why do they do it?

Well, many do it from ignorance.  They don't know who these politicians are, what the party platform is and they don't find out.  Many vote the way they've always voted or the way their family votes or the way their culture votes.  The secular media is also responsible because that is what they display and promote in the regular news, magazines, TV shows and music. It takes time, effort and a lot of hard work to look at both sides, ask hard questions and dig for the truth.  It's much harder to take a stand for Christian values in the face of this "politically correct" culuture of ours. 

Many people make these choices because all they know is that someone is claiming to be "for the poor" or "the little guy" and they promise handouts based on ethic identity, so they buy into their agenda for a hand out. But are these people really "helping" the little guy or helping keep themselves in power?  Are they "buying" your soul with your vote with a few bread crumbs they throw your way?  Do people really need a "hand out" or a "hand up?"

This can also take place in the area of church affiliation.

For example:  A lot of people would say, when asked where they go to church, that they are a Baptist, Cathloic, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, etc.  However well intended, that is putting a "demonination" first.  What should we say?  How should we identify ourselves?  We should say we are "Christian."  You can identify the denomination that you attend after that if you choose, but I believe it's time we quit identifying ourselves by denomination.

As Christians, we should NEVER identify ourselves by our skin color, culture or country first.  If we identify ourselves first as "black" or "hispanic" or "white," what does that say about our devotion to Christ?

The New Testament states that in Christ we are a "new creation."  There is neither black nor white; Jew or Greek.  This is because we are Christians first, period!  It's time we stopped being divided.

What was so attractive about the early Church?  Those outside of Christ saw those who were Christians loving and caring for each other regardless of their culture, their skin color or how much money they had.  This kind of loving devotion is what we are lacking today.

Let us all begin being "transformed by the renewing of our mind" and stop being divided on secular lines.

Christ should always be first in our lives.

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