
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cease Fire? But . . . for how long??


joelcrosenberg | August 22, 2011 at 3:34 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Israel's "Iron Dome" system is shooting down rockets and saving lives.
After the worse spasm of terrorism against Israel all year, Hamas and other Radical Islamic jihadist groups operating in Gaza have declared a cease fire. It remains to be seen if they are serious. At least twelve rockets were fired at Israel overnight from Gaza, even after the cease fire was supposed to be operative. That was on top of some 30 rockets and mortars being fired at Israel on Sunday. This brought the total to more than 140 rockets and mortars fired at Israel since Thursday. Still, early indications suggests Israel's retaliatory efforts were successful, yet the Palestinian Authority has been virtually silent about the violence and doesn't appeared to have taken any visible steps to stop it.
Israel's new "Iron Dome" rocket defense system -- partially financed by American taxpayers -- is working remarkably well at intercepting rockets heading for populated areas. The system hasn't been perfect, but it has scored dramatic and numerous successes. It's clearly minimizing casualties and saving lives. That's very good news. That said, the terrorists are adjusting their strategies, probing for weaknesses in the Iron Dome system, so Israeli defense officials will need to keep improving the system in the coming days and months.
Let's thank the Lord that things appear to be quieting down on Israel's southern border, but let's keep praying for peace and not get lazy in our prayers. Let's continue praying, too, for all those Jews and Arabs on both sides who have suffered in recent days, that the Lord would comfort them and draw them close to His heart. Please pray for the families of the eight Israelis killed during Thursday's terror attacks, and for the 30 Israelis wounded in those attacks. Please pray for hte family of Yossi Shushan, 38, who was killed on Saturday night when a rocket  directly hit his home. Please pray for the four-month-old Israeli baby and the nine-year-old boy  who were injured by rocket attacks over the weekend, among dozens of others. Also, it now appears, for example, that five Egyptians border guards were accidentally killed by Israeli forces pursuing the terrorists, not two as was originally reported. Please pray for the families and friends of these Egyptians that the Lord Jesus would show His love and mercy to them and save them along with all the others who have been affected in recent days.
Also worth noting:

Wars & Rumours of Wars -- New War in Gaza?

Once again, more information on what's going on in the world today and that is part of the "Last Days" prophecy . . .

IS A NEW WAR BREWING IN GAZA?: 100+ rockets fired at Israel in three days

joelcrosenberg | August 21, 2011 at 1:18 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

The collapse of the Mubarak regime in Cairo -- and with it an organized, unified, disciplined, centrally controlled Egyptian security and intelligence force -- has created a no man's land in the Sinai desert. This, in turn, has created a fertile environment for Radical Islamic terrorist groups to expand their operations in the Sinai, including smuggling arms into Gaza and training jihadist commandos. Now Israel is beginning to pay the price. Multiple terrorist attacks have occurred in recent days along Israel's southern border with Egypt.
More than 100 rockets, mortars and anti-tank missiles have been fired from Gaza at Israeli towns and cities along the south. A suicide bomber also detonated himself near the Israel-Egyptian border over the weekend. Eight Jews were killed in Thursday's jihadist attacks on an Israeli public bus, and at least 30 were  wounded. A rocket hit a home in Beersheva on Saturday night, killing one Israeli and wounded four others. Dozens more Israelis have been hospitalized for shock. Israel has struck back with airstrikes against selected terror targets, but the violence has only escalated. Tragically, Israeli forces accidentally killed two Egyptian border guards during a raid against Gaza militants. Israel quickly apologized, but this has created new tensions between Egypt and the Jewish State. Meanwhile, Palestinian leaders -- who want their own sovereign state beginning next month -- have neither said or done anything to stop the latest attacks.
The question now is obvious: Is a new war brewing in Gaza Strip? Will Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu order the IDF back into the Strip for a ground operation akin to "Operation Cast Lead" in 2009? Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom was quoted by Ynet News on Sunday as saying, "The deterrence of has exhausted itself. We'll need to respond, and we're not ruling out the possibility of a ground operation." Meanwhile, "at a meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, committee chair MK Shaul Mofaz of Kadima said that Israel must take steps against Hamas, 'topple their infrastructures and create a system of ties with Egypt in order to prevent terrorism coming from its border,'" reported Haaretz. the "head of Kadima party Tzipi Livni made a similar call on Saturday, saying the party will support an extensive military campaign. 'You must use force against terrorism,' she said. 'Just as we have taken steps against terrorism in the past, we will also support steps now that will defend the citizens of Israel.'"
No one is eager for a new war, and there may be other ways to stem the rocket attacks (assassinations, covert operations, etc). But one thing is clear: the terrorists in Gaza have suddenly become emboldened by the fall of Mubarak and the steady rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, their ideological compadres, and Israel must take decisive action soon or risk inviting more attacks not just from Hamas and their ilk but from Hezbollah, Syria and Iran.
I would ask for pastors and Christian families and individuals all over the world to pray for peace....for comfort for the victims and their families....and for wisdom for the Prime Minister and his senior advisors on how best to respond. Please also pray for Israelis and Palestinians at this time to turn their hearts back to the Lord, to seek comfort and wisdom from the truths of the Bible. Pray, too, that those who love the Lord Jesus to know how best to love and serve their neighbors and enemies and that the Lord would use these events to accomplish His purposes. As Joseph said to his brothers, “Do not be afraid…As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” (Genesis 50:19-20)

Wars and Rumours of Wars -- More Signs Every Day

If all you watch for news is the "lame stream" media, you won't hear about what's really going on in the world.  You have to be "plugged in" as it were to good sources of information.

Once again, here's yet another piece of news that falls under the category of "wars and rumours of wars" that are signs of the "Last Days:"


joelcrosenberg | August 18, 2011 at 1:34 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Please pray as a very serious series of terrorist attacks against Israelis are unfolding near Eilat. "Seven people were killed and dozens were wounded Thursday in a series of terrorist attacks on Israeli targets approximately 20 kilometers north of the southern city of Eilat, close to the border with Egypt," reports Haaretz. "The first attack, at around 12 P.M., was a drive-by shooting targeting Egged bus 392 traveling from Be'er Sheva to Eilat, near the Netafim junction. Shortly afterward, IDF forces rushed to the scene and were faced with several explosive devices that were detonated alongside an IDF vehicle. At approximately 12:35, a mortar was fired from Egypt to Israel. No casualties were reported. At 1:10 P.M., a terrorist cell fired an anti-tank missile at a private vehicle, wounding seven. Minutes later, another cell fired an anti-tank missile at a private vehicle, killing six. The IDF Spokesman reported that two to four terrorists were killed during the clashes...."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Culture vs. Christ . . . Which Should Come First?

Which should come first: Culture or Christ?  Never thought about this?

Well, maybe the time is right and we should all take a look at our own lives and how we view things.  I'm taking a long hard look at how I identify myself to others.  Which comes first when I speak?

I see so many who claim Christ who then embrace all kids of secular (for lack of a better word) garbage.  This really shows itself in the political arena.  I talk with many people who claim to be a Christian yet they embrace politics (whatever the party -- both sides are guilty) and social agendas that support such unholy ideas as abortion and so-called "gay" rights.  This is blasphemy.  God's word clearly states that He is against sarificing children (which is what abortion is) and the "unnatural affections of men with men" (which is what being "gay/homosexual" is).

Why do they do it?

Well, many do it from ignorance.  They don't know who these politicians are, what the party platform is and they don't find out.  Many vote the way they've always voted or the way their family votes or the way their culture votes.  The secular media is also responsible because that is what they display and promote in the regular news, magazines, TV shows and music. It takes time, effort and a lot of hard work to look at both sides, ask hard questions and dig for the truth.  It's much harder to take a stand for Christian values in the face of this "politically correct" culuture of ours. 

Many people make these choices because all they know is that someone is claiming to be "for the poor" or "the little guy" and they promise handouts based on ethic identity, so they buy into their agenda for a hand out. But are these people really "helping" the little guy or helping keep themselves in power?  Are they "buying" your soul with your vote with a few bread crumbs they throw your way?  Do people really need a "hand out" or a "hand up?"

This can also take place in the area of church affiliation.

For example:  A lot of people would say, when asked where they go to church, that they are a Baptist, Cathloic, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, etc.  However well intended, that is putting a "demonination" first.  What should we say?  How should we identify ourselves?  We should say we are "Christian."  You can identify the denomination that you attend after that if you choose, but I believe it's time we quit identifying ourselves by denomination.

As Christians, we should NEVER identify ourselves by our skin color, culture or country first.  If we identify ourselves first as "black" or "hispanic" or "white," what does that say about our devotion to Christ?

The New Testament states that in Christ we are a "new creation."  There is neither black nor white; Jew or Greek.  This is because we are Christians first, period!  It's time we stopped being divided.

What was so attractive about the early Church?  Those outside of Christ saw those who were Christians loving and caring for each other regardless of their culture, their skin color or how much money they had.  This kind of loving devotion is what we are lacking today.

Let us all begin being "transformed by the renewing of our mind" and stop being divided on secular lines.

Christ should always be first in our lives.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What's Not In the News That You Need to Know

The "lame stream" media is forever missing the true story! How can you know for sure that we are, indeed, in the Last Days described in holy Scripture? One of the signs is "wars and rumours of wars" that Jesus mentioned when His disciples asked Him for signs of the "end times."

Okay . . . there have always been wars you may say. True, but not on the scale of the 20th century. The 20th century ramped up wars to a new level. For example (just a few):

  • WWI (the war to end all wars)

  • WWII (some thought was the end of the age)

  • Millions slaughtered by Stalin (that no one ever mentions)

  • Millions of Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust\

  • Vietnam

What you're not hearing in the "lame stream" media is the threats that take place daily around the world. Therefore . . .

As I learn of them, I'll post them here for your consideration.


Source: Mission Network News
Bloody week in Iraq raises terror concerns
Iraq (MNN) -- Although no one claimed the bloodiest day this year for Iraq, the attacks this week bore the hallmark of Al Qaeda. Todd Nettleton with Voice of the Martyrs says the group behind the Monday assault was sending a message. "When you talk about more than 40 attacks, coordinated all across the entire country, you're talking about: 'We're still here and we can make a lot of trouble.' I think the other message that they're sending is: 'You should be very afraid.'" As U.S. troops draw down and leave Iraq, the Christians left feel unprotected and exposed. Although there is only a remnant church left in Iraq, those who remain are active in living the Gospel. Voice of the Martyrs helps to resource them as they become the hands and feet of Christ. "How do we live out the Gospel? How do we share our faith with the people around us when there's so much danger and so much threat simply living out the Christian faith." Pray for boldness and safety over the remnant. "We can pray for the salvation of the attackers, the troublemakers, the people in Iraq, to come to know Christ in a personal way."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wonder What's Going On?

This site is about reflections on modern times by walking through the history of holy Scripture.

After all . . . history is really . . .

His Story!

Modern Idols

Daniel 3 : God supernaturally protects Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace.

Three Jewish men were told they must "bow down" to "modern convention" and serve their gods. They said "No" and were told that they would be thrown into the "firey furnace" if they disobeyed. They replied: "God may protect us from the fire but, even if He doesn't, let it be known that we are not going to serve your gods!"

What about you? How does this apply?

I know you think that it doesn't apply to you because you think you don't serve "idols carved in stone or wood, etc." But, is that really true?

True we don't worship statues of a calf of a goat, etc. No . . . our "Modern Idols" are much harder to detect.

What about:

  • Cars

  • Homes

  • Cash

  • Power (political, business, etc.)

  • Movie Stars

  • American Idol

  • Reality Shows

  • Famous Sports Players

  • Famous Musicians

  • Cell phone

  • TV

  • Electronic gadgets

  • Being "politically correct" or "tollerant"

The list can go on and on . . .

Ask yourself some questions: What do I spend most of my time doing (beside your job)? What do I value most? What gives me the most pleasure? What interests me? What do I desire to do most often? What or who do I believe in?

I would guess that your greatest desire is not spending time with God -- worship, reading holy Scripture, havine fellowship with other believers. Right?

These three men were willing to go to their deaths in a horrible way, if necessary, to prove a point -- their God was greater.

How about your "god?" Whom do you serve? If it's your job, your business, going out drinking with friends, conquering the next "love of your life," etc. then you are not serving the one true God who created all things, including you! Instead you are a slave . . . Yep . . . a slave! A slave to sin. That results in bondage here and separation from God and the saints forever.

Hell is not all "sex, drugs and rock-n-roll." Hell is a place of eternal torment.

Where do you want to spend eternity? God won't send you to hell, you choose to go their of your own free will.

Choose wisely!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Reflections on modern times by walking through the history of holy Scripture

Reflections on modern times by walking through the history of holy Scripture.
A collection of notes from various Bible studies, personal musing and revelations.
Purpose: To give glory to God and inform.

Personal Testimony: I wasn't born into a Christian family. I wasn't raised going to Church. I knew there was a God and I had heard of Jesus, knew he was God's son (somehow), but didn't underand how all of that “God the Father/God the Son” stuff worked. I had heard of the “Holy Ghost” but, since even “Casper the friendly ghost” gave me the creeps, I wasn’t too sure I wanted to look further into that, either.

I really liked Christmas (still is one of my favorite holidays) and Easter was pretty cool too (although I knew more about the Easter bunny and hunting for eggs than the real reason for Easter).

My family was dysfunctional and, as the oldest of two (and later five), I pretty much had to do things for myself and figure things out on my own. Not that my parents didn’t provide food, clothing and shelter, they did (albeit not very good at times); what was lacking was love, guidance and grounding in the Word of God.

I didn’t feel particularly loved and, based on how I was raised and the circumstances in my childhood growing up, I didn’t have much self-esteem or realize I had true value and that someone really did love me – unconditionally.

I didn't know that it was possible to have a personal relationship with God. I didn't feel I qualified. I wasn't even sure it mattered. I knew I wasn't perfect and I felt that God probably was. It never even dawned on me that there was a gap and that, sooner or later, I would have to deal with that gap.I never read any portion of Scripture until I was in my 20's (we won't go into how long ago that was).

I thought I was “pretty good” compared to other people. I didn’t know that I was measuring myself by the wrong standard. Once I learned what standard I was supposed to use (perfection – God’s standard), I knew I was in trouble, but didn’t know what to do about it.

Does any of this sound famaliar to you? Can you relate to some of this in your life (past or present)?

The good news is (and there IS good news ):

· God loves you unconditionally

· Jesus paid the price to “close the gap”

· You can have a “do over” life

· You are priceless

· God has plans for your life (plans to prosper you and not to harm you)

If this sounds interesting, then read on.

I will share more about myself and my journey with God (and it’s been very exciting) as we go along the way. But I think this is enough about me for now.

Curious? Read on . . .

What happens in Jerusalem doesn't stay in Jerusalem!

Jerusalem is the “epicenter” of the world!

What happens in Jerusalem affects everyone . . . yes . . . even you!

Whether you agree or not . . . whether you like it or not, whether you agree or not, these are the true facts:

· There is a God (and it's not Allah, Budah, Mohammed, etc.) .

· The Jews are His chosen people since Abraham's time . . . always have been . . . always will be.

· God is holy and we are not.

· God has attributes He can be discovered and known through various means.

· Unholy people cannot be in a relationship with a holy God (for you "geeks" -- matter and anti-matter cannot exist in the same place at the same time).

So . . . what to do?

We can't get there on our own. We can't make ourselves holy. God had to do it for us, and He did through his Son, Jesus.

What does God really want? God wants us to be in relationship to Him. He wants to care for us, but He won't force us. He wants us to know what's coming so we can prepare. But (and here's where it gets interesting for us humans) . . . we have to allow Him in. The door is closed and the only doorknob is on our side! He will stand outside the door and knock, but only we can let Him in . . . curious since HE IS and He is all powerful but He chooses to be gracious to us and not force us. That’s why he gave us free will to choose.

I’ve heard people say: “I couldn’t believe in a God that sent people to hell.” Me neither!

The truth is that, since God gave us free will . . . free to chose right or wrong . . . heaven or hell.

Anyone in hell chose to be there, period!

Did you know you were being recruited?

Yep . . . there are 2 camps that have been at war since the beginning of time. They are each vying for your allegiance. There is no such thing as “neutrality.” You’re definitely going to wind up in one place or the other based on your choices. So choose wisely!

Why this blog? I've been curious over the last 3-4 years about what I've seen in the world --- things are changing and changing quite rapidly. I knew Scripture talked about it, but wasn't sure I knew how to go about learning it. I wanted to know how all this relates to me in the here and now. God says in the book of Jeremiah that "He has plans for us . . . to prosper and not to harm . . ." yet I was seeing a lot of harm. I wanted to understand more so I started reading.

I learned a lot about the Islam and Muslims (I've known many of these people personally over the years). I've had Jewish friends. I have friends who are Christian and many who are not. I read about Mohammad and how Islam came into being (that's a scary story for another time). I've read portions of the Koran and actually have an English translation. I've read history and politics about various countries from Russia, China, Middle East as well as the United States (the real history, not what's taught in schools).